Blueqube Fitness

We provide a variety of training services and programs, but they all center on you: your history, current fitness level, and goals. There is no universal exercise regimen; the “best” training program is the one that will elicit the physiological adaptations that are consistent with your specific desired performance outcomes.

Consequently, the first step in our process is an initial 60-minute consultation. Your investment in this consultation is $250, prepaid. We charge for our consultations because they are working sessions–not sales pitches. If you choose to move forward with us, we credit this entire amount to any package you purchase. If you do not, all of the information we provide is yours to keep and use with no further obligation.

Our packages are 12-week blocks of programming and coaching that incorporate the latest in evidence-based research and experience in the field. While many other firms may offer month-to-month or shorter duration packages, we have found that to make meaningful progress toward your goals, this time commitment duration is required. Rest assured, this will not be a static program; we will make weekly assessments of your progress, strengths, and weaknesses, and modify your plan accordingly so that you keep progressing.

Pricing for these 12-week packages varies because they are 100% customized for you, based on your goals, abilities, access to equipment/facilities, location (remote or in-person), number of coaching and communication hours per week, and other factors. For planning purposes, our minimum 12-week package is $2,500.

Please contact us at for more information.